Home » Product » Common Agricultural Crop Diseases and Their Symptoms

In agricultural production, various crop diseases can arise due to factors such as plant variety, weather, environmental conditions, and poor management practices. These diseases can significantly affect crop yield and quality. Below is an overview of the common types of crop diseases and their corresponding symptoms.

1. Downy and Late Blight Diseases

  • Symptoms: These diseases primarily affect the leaves, stems, and fruits of plants, causing them to become discolored, deformed, or even rot.
  • Examples:
    • Downy Mildew: Characterized by yellow spots on leaves, which may turn white or grayish with a powdery or fuzzy appearance on the underside of the leaves.
    • Early Blight: Yellowing of leaves with concentric rings of dark brown or black lesions, often starting from the edges.
    • Late Blight: Similar to early blight but with more rapid decay and widespread water-soaked lesions on leaves, stems, and fruits.
    • Cottony Blight and Soft Rot: Soft, watery rot that spreads quickly, often caused by high humidity and warm conditions.

2. Mold-related Diseases

  • Symptoms: Mold diseases are typically caused by fungal infections that result in rotting, wilting, or the development of moldy growths on plants.
  • Examples:
    • Gray Mold: Grayish mold growth on fruit and leaves, often occurring under damp conditions.
    • Sclerotinia: White mold growth with hard, black sclerotia that may affect the plant’s root system.
    • Red Mold and Black Mold: These molds cause reddish-brown or black lesions on the leaves, stems, and flowers.
    • Rice Blast and Rice Sheath Blight: These diseases cause dark, irregular patches on rice leaves, leading to death of the plant if severe.

3. Spotting and Blotch Diseases

  • Symptoms: These diseases typically manifest as spots, blotches, or lesions on leaves and fruits, which can hinder photosynthesis and growth.
  • Examples:
    • Brown Spot: Brown, irregular-shaped lesions with yellow halos on the leaves.
    • Anthracnose: Dark sunken spots with a reddish or brown border, often on fruits and leaves.
    • Leaf Spot Diseases: These appear as various colored spots, including black, brown, and yellow, often with a defined edge.
    • Target Spot: Distinct circular lesions with a central target-like appearance.

4. Powdery and Rust Diseases

  • Symptoms: These diseases are caused by fungal pathogens and are characterized by powdery growth or rust-like pustules on the leaves and stems.
  • Examples:
    • Powdery Mildew: A white, powdery substance forms on the upper sides of leaves, often resulting in distorted growth and leaf drop.
    • Rust Disease: Orange, yellow, or brown pustules appear on leaves, stems, or fruits, causing tissue damage and reduced growth.

5. Root and Wilt Diseases

  • Symptoms: These diseases affect the root system or cause wilting in plants. They often result in stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, and eventual plant death.
  • Examples:
    • Wilt Diseases: Characterized by the wilting of leaves and stems, often due to poor water uptake caused by the infection of plant roots.
    • Crown Rot: The base of the stem turns brown or black, and plants may collapse.
    • Root Rot and Nematodes: Symptoms include poor growth, yellowing of leaves, and visible root damage.
    • Gum Flow Disease: Oozing of sticky resin from the plant, especially around root and stem areas.

6. Bacterial Diseases

  • Symptoms: Bacterial diseases lead to soft rot, wilting, and necrosis. These can spread rapidly in humid conditions and cause significant damage.
  • Examples:
    • Bacterial Leaf Spot: Small, water-soaked spots on leaves that enlarge and turn yellow or brown.
    • Bacterial Canker: Dark lesions on stems and fruits, often with a watery ooze.
    • Soft Rot and Wilt: Bacterial infections that cause plants to soften, rot, and eventually wilt.

7. Viral Diseases

  • Symptoms: Viral infections often cause stunted growth, mosaic patterns on leaves, and abnormal plant development.
  • Examples:
    • Mosaic Virus: Leaves show a patchy, mottled pattern with light and dark green areas.
    • Leaf Curl Virus: Leaves curl and distort, with yellowing and stunted growth.
    • Viral Blotch and Streak Virus: Dark streaks or blotches appear on leaves or fruits, causing loss of vigor and reduced yields.

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